How to add a custom review site?

Receiving reviews on platforms like Google and Facebook is a great way for your current and future customers to see how amazing you are. You may want to get reviews from other platforms like the Better Business Bureau, TripAdvisor, G2, etc.

Follow the steps below in order to add your favourite review sites to your review invitation link.

Step 1:

Find your business on your review site of choice. For our example, we'll be using the Capterra. Copy the URL that allows your customers to leave a review.

Video showing where to get the custom review site URL.

Step 2:

Now that you have your URL, we'll need to paste it into the correct location. Go to your Settings, then Review, and finally click on Update Custom Review Site.

Screenshot of Chekkit dashboard Settings > Review > Update custom sites.

Paste your copied URL into the available field and click Update Review URL.

Screenshot of where to place custom review site URL.

Your customers will now be given the option to leave a review for your business on the review site of your choosing. You can also add an additional URL by clicking the Add New URL button. If you'd like to change the colour of the bubble, click the colour next to the URL.

Be able to choose the color of your button.

Screenshot of various custom review sites.

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Hopefully, this helps you get everything running, but if you have any difficulties or other questions please contact us at!

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